Many of my clients have asked what they can do to support the changes they gain from their Hellerwork series. I usually give an answer something like, “Yoga, meditation, chi gong, pilates, or anything that brings you towards a deeper connection with yourself.”
Meditation is one of the most direct ways to do that and it can be as simple as observing the inhale and exhale of your breath. Of course it’s often not as easy as that sounds. I came across the following advice on meditation and thought I would share it. It’s sound advice for beginners or experienced meditators alike.
I’ll add that if you don’t already have a meditition practice with a group that sits together regularly, I highly recommend it for avoiding many of the pitfalls that beginner meditators fall into. It can help to have some support from other folks going through a similar process.
By U Tejaniya
Shwe Oo Min Meditation Center
Yangon, Myanmar
1. Meditating is watching and acknowledging in a relaxed way whatever happens whether pleasant or unpleasant.
2. Meditating is waiting and watching with awareness and understanding: not thinking, not reflecting, not judging.
3. Just pay attention to what is exactly in the present moment.
Don’t go back to the past!
Don’t plan for the future!
4. When meditating, both the mind and the body shold be comfortable.
5. The meditating mind should be relaxed and at peace.
You cannot practice when the mind is tense.
6. Don’t focus too hard, don’t control and don’t force or restrict yourself.
7. Don’t try to create anything, and don’t reject what is happening. However, as things happen or stop happening, be aware of them.
8. Trying to create something is greed.
Rejecting what is happening is aversion.
Not knowing if something is happening or has stopped happening is delusion.
9. Only when the observing mind has no greed, aversion or worry/ anxiety will the meditating mind arise.
10. Don’t have any expectations.
Don’t want anything.
Don’t be anxious, because if these attitudes are in your mind, it becomes difficult to meditate.
11. You are not trying to make things turn out the way you want them to happen. You are trying to know what is happening as it is.
12. You have to accept and watch both good and bad experiences.
13. You have to double check to see what attitude you are meditating with. A light and free mind enables you to meditate well.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.